
Chris Thomas

Technology Manager | Entrepreneur


I’m a simple man! I love my wife and kids. I strive to solve tough probelms using technology! This world is full of problems, and technology is the way we solve most of them! I started my professional career around 8 years ago as a software engineer focused on Big Data and DevOps enablement. I have journeyed through different focus areas of Big Data, Architecture, Cloud Enablement, Frontend, and Backend engineering roles. Now, I take a lot of pride in leading engineering teams!

My leadership style is focused on servant leadership and leading by example. I focus on enabling teams to their fullest potential by working through tough problems together and not shying away from action to move the needle. I love personal development and making sure that I’m better than I was yesterday in one area each day. My work ethic and drive comes from my pursuit to take care of my family!

In my spare time, I like to play video games and golf. I’m not very good at either, but I enjoy the time to relax and hang out with friends.

Glasses resting on the desk
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